I “killed” myself

Yep, I killed myself.  At least a part of me that was no longer serving me in my transition into a healthier lifestyle.

Please don’t get me wrong!  This is no laughing matter.  I have dear friends, clients and acquaintances that struggle with this subject, so I take it very seriously.

I”m sharing this crazy story with you only because you might actually relate or it might help you work through your own hurdles and self-sabotage.

What happened back in 2010 was an incredible turning point for me.  I was sitting on a ferry boat in Seattle WA,  on my way to see a friend.  During this time in my life I was on the verge of BIG changes in my life….Personally and professionally .  I could feel them coming and it was driving me crazy!  I thought I would never be the person I was working so hard to be.  I was deathly afraid that I would be stuck in places in my life that made me unhappy,  unsatisfied and unhealthy.  It was soooo hard to work my body physically in a manner I was not used to.  But it was even harder to exercise my mind to get rid of a lot of negative self-talk, self-doubt, fears and overwhelming insecurities.

to combat some of this, I started journaling every night to download and get rid of all the negativities piling up in my head.  You might be able to relate….

“I’m not worth it”

“I don’t deserve to be successful”

“I could never have a toned and lean body”

“There is no time in my day”

“i’m too afraid of the change”

” I will never have enough money”

“It’s too hard”

And so on.

I had this never ending voice in my head that spewed all sorts of garbage, but luckily I had a few good people in my life that helped me recognize this emotionally abusive relationship going on with the SELF, and I was able to eventually stop it.

So, this bring us back to the ferry in Seattle….

I’m sitting there, eyes closed, relaxing.  Fully away of all the commotion and people around me, when in my minds eye I see as clear as day, in a first person perspective, a dark New York City style ally.  Instead of fighting the vision and opening my eyes, I go with it.

Now, keep in mind that I’m still very aware of the noise and conversations surrounding me on the ferry.

As I’m looking down this ally, trying to figure out where I am, I see a young woman walking towards me.  As she gets closer, I recognize her as a younger version of ME.  The version of ME that I had worked so hard to get rid of.  The version of ME that has tried to bring me down into a pit of self-loathing and self-hatred. The version of ME that didn’t believe I could change my body, my life or my career.


Still aware of being on the ferry boat, I snapped.  She had bother me one too many times and I was DONE!  In this “vision”, in the first person perspective , I approached the girl walking towards me and proceeded to wrap my hands around her neck.  As she struggled, I threw her to the ground and (without going into details) killed her.

I killed that former version of myself. To say the least, it was frightening to experience.  I still get goosebumps and tears when I tell the story. I didn’t know I had that kind of rage for this “person”.

As I walked out of that dark ally, I remember feeling released of all the baggage that had been holding me back from transitioning into the person I am today .  Relief, astonishment, some fear, unbridled happiness can only begin to describe the emotions coursing threw my mind.

Since then, my physical body has changed into one of strength, lean muscle and capablity; my mind has developed a more positive and determined relationship with the SELF; and my life has transformed to be full of blessings, gratitudes and unconditional love.

This memory was brought up while talking with a FBBC Billings client the other day.  Her biggest struggle was her emotionally abusive relationship with herSELF.  That little voice in the head would not allow her to move forward and make the big changes she wanted to make to push her mind, body and life to the next level of health.

We all have those little voices in our head.  If yours is particularly abusive, and you are struggling with self-sabotage, it might be time to have a show-down with the

Former Self.

Now, I didn’t ask for this “vision” of Me vs. Me duking it out in a dark alley.  If just happened.  And I’m not saying that you need to go to that extreme of killing your other self!

What I am saying–and this is what I tell any of my clients that recognize the self-sabotage and ask for help– is to start having some conversations with the negative nancy in your head.  Let it know that you won’t put up with being treated like that anymore.

Spend 5 minutes every night journaling. Download all those self-defeating thoughts and ideas onto paper.   Don’t take those thoughts to bed with you.  Put them on paper, so that your inner voice can’t feed off them while you are sleeping.

Focus on all the good in your life;  all the big and small achievements you accomplished during the day; focus on the fact that you are breathing and moving.  It’s a good day when this happens :-).

Soon enough your negative nancy with pack up her bags and leave.  Or perhaps she will just start getting on board with a more positive attitude adjustment.

You might even find yourself in a back alley disposing of a body…. .

To your strength, light and determination!


It’s my job!

Years ago, before I started as a Boot Camp client, I had struggled with an unhealthy mindset around food, a bad self-image, debilitating food allergies, and emotional struggles of self-worth. Boot Camp changed everything I thought to be true for efficient fat loss and gaining real strength. Since then, I’ve become FBBC certified, American Sports and Fitness Association (ASFA) certified, and I’ve nearly completed my Precision nutrition certification for Sports and Exercise Nutrition. I have spent years researching, learning, listening, and working to make sure I have the best and most updated information and science to give clients the most efficient, effective, and fun workouts possible.

Despite my years of research, education, experience, and trial and error, rarely does a day go by without an exchange like this:

Me: “….and that is the best way to meet your fitness goals!”
Client: “But, how do you KNOW that?”

Well, rather than saving my resume to a business card and whipping it out whenever I am questioned, I can simply point to the many successes I have experienced, both in my own fitness goals and in helping others achieve theirs. There is plenty of evidence that I know what I’m talking about. But here’s my question…. Are you really doubting me, or are you doubting yourself?
I am here for YOU. To push you when you need a push, and to congratulate you for your accomplishments. I will be your biggest ally in this endeavor, your cheerleader, and your shoulder to cry on. But nothing worth anything is easy, and what it takes to achieve your fitness goals is certainly going to challenge you. I believe that we are all up to that challenge. I’m not endorsing blind faith in anyone or anything. However, I am encouraging you to team WITH me, and in order to do that, there’ll have to be some trust on your part. Trust in me, trust in the science and medical knowledge in my field, and, certainly most importantly, trust in yourself.

Let’s look at some of these “doubts”. When I say, “in order to maximize your fat loss efforts, you’ll need to make a certain commitment”, what do you feel? Overwhelmed? Panicky? Anxious? Or are you excited, energized, enthusiastic? Honestly—any answer is fine. What’s important is an acknowledgement of how you are feeling. If you are overwhelmed, take a look at why. Have you failed in the past? Are you concerned you might fail again? Remember, addressing any self-doubt is vital to eliminating excuses. It’s impossible to anticipate every aspect of any undertaking that might cause you to stumble. But without honestly examining the fears that are holding you back, you will be completely unprepared for the hard stuff.

Here’s what I want for you: when you leave your workout each day, rather than thinking, “FBBC is amazing!” or “Rebecca is amazing!” or “The trainers here are amazing!”, I want you to think, “I am amazing! I can/will/have achieved amazing things!” When this happens, I have done my job. And our relationship of mutual trust and respect will prove to be of great value to us both.

Takin’ it to the next level. Are you ready?

So, about a week ago I wrote to you about being Fed Up and teased you a bit about a new journey I’m embarking.

If you missed the email on feeling Fed Up, here’s the cliff notes….

Haven’t bought a bathing suit in years 
I feel shitty about every day 
i no longer have confidence 
I used to be a pretty girl 
I have lost myself 
I feel sloppy & unattractive 
I just don’t seem to find the energy to exercise 
I’m too embarrassed to attend family functions 
I don’t recognize myself anymore. I look terrible. 
I hate smiling because I feel I have a chubby face. 
I need help 
It is easier to stay in bed. 
I feel like my life is passing me by 
I’m tired of not being able to do all the things I want to 
I feel tired, fat and unsocial 
I delete most of the photos of myself 
I can’t stand the person I am 
I’m uncomfortable everywhere I go 
I look like a large square 
I look like a balloon 
I feel like a stuffed sausage 
I really feel like a failure 
I avoid the beach or pool 
I feel like a beached whale 
I look puffy 
I’m depressed 
When I meet new people, I wonder if they think of me as the “fat” girl 
Don’t like myself 
My weight is ALWAYS on my mind 
I critique every inch of myself prior to leaving the house 

Did any of this resonate with you? It did with a lot of our Fit Body clients and that is why they are members. They finally got tired of feeling this way and decided to do something about it.  

It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to help men and women find their footing and get them started on a journey of physical, mental and emotional health.

For years I”ve trained hard, studied hard and worked hard to be able to give you the best fat loss workouts, the best team of trainers, the best support network for your journey and the best “gym” culture to keep you accountable.

I”m not shy of a little hard work.  Like I say at the studio with my clients, “Nothing good comes easy. You’ve got to work for what you want.”  In fact, I’ve worked hard most of my life starting at 15. My first job was at an “old folks” diner ( said with the best intentions) picking dentures out of oatmeal bowls. It sucked!, But I did what I needed to do to start earning money at a young age. At 18 I skipped college for a year to work three jobs, including cold calling farmers for a telemarketing company. That was horrible!

In my late 20’s, I lived in my car for a month and was again homeless in my early 40’s for a three month stint…..Again, not fun, but had to do what needed to be done.

My point is this—
I don’t shy away from hard work to get to where I want to be. 

That list at the top—I have felt all of that at some point in my adult life, but with the help of my support network, my coaches and some pure mental toughness, I overcame most of it. 

Most of it…I am female after all. There is always a residual emotion that I can get hiccuped on. You know what I’m talking about ladies!

It’s important to me to live an authentic life. True to myself. Not for someone else’s ideals, motivations or beliefs. It’s why, 8 years ago, I HAD to go through a bootcamp program as a client with fat loss and healthy living goals before I could coach, train or teach YOU. 

If I hadn’t been through the process myself, I wouldn’t be able to talk with you about how hard it is to get started on a program, the fear you feel when you walk into a new studio or gym, or when you want that lean body so badly you can taste, but you can’t let go of your emotional relationship with food. 

Been there, done that! But only, had I been through the process, struggles, and triumphs could I then coach you on the most efficient and effective ways to get you to your goals.

Now, as I approach the dead middle of 40, I am yet again embarking on the next level of physical, mental and emotional self.  


So that I can take you there as well.  

Fit Body Bootcamp has started working with a few of our clients that are taking that next leap into body building competitions. They are working with FBBC as well as strength and nutrition coaches who know what it takes to get to competition level.
The training is physically tough.
The food prep is mentally challenging.
Ignoring the nay-sayers and dis-believers is emotionally trying.

So, In order to be a better coach for those who are ready for the “Next Level” of fitness, I am challenging myself and training as if I’m also competing.  

Anyone can get a personal training certificate and call themselves a trainer. But if you don’t have the personal experiences of the physical, emotional and mental struggles that ones goes through to reach a big goal, then how do you effectively coach someone through those struggles?  

This is only my humble opinion, however, I can not consciously coach you to a level to which I’ve never been.

It’s that whole “living authentically” thing.  


All last week I mentally prepped myself, started drinking the required water, started scheduling my extra workouts, and wrapped my head around my food plan.

My biggest physical challenge will be consistantly getting all of my workouts in, in an already packed day.
My biggest emotional challenge will be giving up dysfunctional relationships with sugar.
My biggest mental challenge will be trusting the process.

I”ll be reporting back to you occationally.

Whatever level you are at right now, keep in mind that Fit Body Bootcamp and our team of coaches, trainers and family of clients can help you get to the next one. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or you are ready for strutting the stage. 

We can help you get started!

Be well, 
ASFA/FBBC Certified



What’s your excuse?

Our lives are busy. All of them. We have kids, careers, husbands, wives, pets, obligations, duties, messes, and conflicts. These short 24 hours per day fly by and, far too often, we’re left wondering where the heck the time went. While we are working to squeeze everything in between sunrise and sunset, many of us are also developing a system of excuses, justifications, and rationales for why we just can’t get it all done. And you know what? Sometimes we just can’t. But when we take control of our priorities and time management, we can start to focus our energy and make sure we get the most out of each day without sacrificing our families, careers, or bodies.

We live in an amazing time! Smart phones, the internet, social media—they’ve all made us slaves to immediate gratification and, worse, EXCUSES. We have an entire generation who honestly believe that if you can’t click on it, if it can’t be delivered via Amazon—it’s just too much work. But we all know that anything worth the result is worth working for it. Here’s the bottom line, folks—excuses breed regrets. Enough excuses already! Here are a few brainstorms to get your thinking to a pattern of accountability and forward motion.

  1. Write it down!

A lot of blogs, how-to’s, inspirational talks start with “make a list of….”, or “take notes about…”, “journal about why…” And this is for good reason! Putting things into writing encourages us to be responsible for our goals and how to get them accomplished. Write down what you want to accomplish and then a few corresponding excuses as to why it hasn’t happened. Truly acknowledge your excuses and spend some time dispelling them as the myths they are. Your shift ends late and are too tired to work out after work? Find a solution, not an excuse. Need to feed the fam tonight but the idea of cooking is too much? You know how to avoid that in the future! Prepare, plan, and plot where you are and where you want to go.

  1. Get rid of those buzzwords that are holding you back.

Let’s look at some of those bad words that are messing with your brain: “must”, “need”, “have to”, and maybe the worst, “should”. How often do you think, “I SHOULD do this, but I MUST do that.” These terms are subjective. By incorrectly prioritizing our musts, needs, and should, not much is actually getting accomplished or it’s not being accomplished well. There are lots of things we must, need, and should do. “I must finish this chapter tonight. I’ll be okay with a few less minutes of sleep tomorrow.” “I really have to clean the kitchen right now instead of reading to my child.” “I should try to squeeze in a workout tomorrow.” Rather than looking at these musts, needs, and shoulds, figure out what you truly want for yourself and your life. If you don’t want to do something, admit it! But excusing yourself from doing so because it doesn’t fall in line with your self-imposed obligations will only mire you down in vague feelings of guilt and regret. Where are your priorities really falling on the spectrum of your day? Determine what is really a must, a need, a should and take the steps to accomplish what you truly desire for yourself.

  1. No blame. Just responsibility.

When we allow an excuse to be our “out”, we will always take that out. It leaves a backdoor open where we can blame someone or something else (sometimes even ourselves!) for why something can’t or won’t be done. Take responsibility. Your current situation is reality. And regardless of how you got there, it is up to only you to change or improve upon it. There is no time or place for blame or excuse—and this includes blaming yourself; there is no benefit in wallowing in all the things you’ve done “wrong” to find yourself here. Just decide that only forward-moving action is going to get you to your goals.

One of my favorite books is called the Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard.  I read a passage most mornings with a cup of coffee.  If pretty much sets my mind on the right track for making the most of my day.  Including kicking to the curb any excuses that might be forming.

Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts. ~Edward R. Murrow

Rebecca Douglas

Are you mindless, or mindful?

The term “mindfulness” is everywhere in the wellness community these days. We hear it in regard to our dealings with our families and children, in conversations about meditation, about decision making. But being truly “mindful” is holistic. It’s really an awareness of everything within ourselves and our surroundings. Nowhere does the idea of being “mindful” and “conscious” matter more than in the way we care for our bodies.

When we are truly mindful, we are aware of our existence, our body’s sensations, our thoughts. Mindfulness is being fully conscious, deliberate, and intentional in our thoughts and actions. When you are in tune with how you are moving your body, your breathing, the way your muscles are moving, you will definitely have a more focused and connected QUALITY workout.

A distracted, forced workout doesn’t serve much purpose. In addition to being largely ineffective, it leads to boredom and burnout. It’s hard to stick with any activity if we don’t enjoy it, and without a mind-body connection occurring during a workout, there isn’t much joy there to experience.

The thing about being truly aware is—it’s a deliberate, planned action. In order to keep yourself mindful, you must be mindful of the goal to be mindful. Sounds silly! But, here are some ways to ensure you are staying connected with your own body and giving yourself an effective and enjoyable workout.


Rushing through your workout just to get to the next thing on your to-do list makes that workout just one more obligation. Carve out adequate time for a quality workout, then use every minute of that time to its fullest. Pay attention to how your muscles feel, your posture, and your breathing. Give your mind a chance to “check-in” with your body and make the necessary adjustments to maximize each movement.

~Set a small goal for each workout.

Decide before you begin what you want to achieve from this specific workout. Maybe you’ve been wanting to work on abs, speed up your mile, or perfect a new exercise. Make the whole workout about achieving this goal! The purpose of this isn’t to neglect one part of the workout to improve another. But think about your goal as you’re working through other exercises which aren’t directly related to the goal. If you are working on your core before a run, remind yourself that core strength enables you to run farther and faster with better form. If you are wanting to focus on arms but starting with cardio, perform your cardio mindfully—realizing that burning calories will only serve to improve your ability to get a well sculpted upper arm.


We all know that correct breathing is important for stamina. But the simple act of breathing also acts as a wonderful stress reliever. If you find yourself frustrated or bored with your workout, take a moment for some deep, mindful breaths. Feel the strength within your own lungs. Hear the breath inhaled and exhaled. Realize the rise and fall of your shoulders and chest. This is a fantastic (and fast!) way to realign the mind and body.

~Reward yourself.

Save your favorite stretches for the end of the workout. You have worked toward your goals, now reward your body and mind with the activities you enjoy most. Stretch and cool down in an enjoyable way which will strengthen the mind/body connection and treat that greedy reward center in the brain!

Is there such a thing as too much chocolate?

Happy Easter to you!

Was the Easter Bunny good to you?  How many little eggs and chocolate bunnies did you score? My favorite is the good old fashioned Chocolate Bunny.  The ears go first, then the tail and toes and on to the body.

I hope you gave yourselves permission to indulge just a little bit.  I know I did! It is a special occasion after all!  And no…there is no such thing as too much chocolate on Easter!

Spring is here, the tulips are starting to pop up, the days are warmer, which means….

Swim suit season is right around the corner! Yikes!  That means I’ll be seeing you in bootcamp class, bright and early tomorrow.

But first…

Put down that chocolate bunny and take a look at these blog posts I found over the weekend.  They are a perfect guide to help you stay on track towards your fat loss goals.

This one (click here) is written by my friend and FBBC owner in Calgary. Take heart in what she says.  She knows her stuff! It’s all about finding right “diet” (man, I hate that word!) that is right for you.  What might work for me may not work for you. I tried going vegetarian years ago, even tried the Raw food diet, but when it comes down to what works for me, I love my meat.  I function better , think more clearly, and have more energy when I can get my hands on some high quality, well raised meat.

This one (click here) is written by my sister’s friend.  You all know how much I love trying out new recipes, so I thought I would try her homemade version of cliff bars.  I added some Chia and Hemp seeds to mine.  Boy are they good! And packed with nothing but good stuff for you.  A great take-with-you snack that promises to give you sustained energy and keep you feeling full.

Chia Bars
©Rebecca Douglas Photography

Now you are armed with another yummy recipe for the week.

Hey! Ya know I give these to you so you have no excuses for not having good food with you throughout the day.

It is THE key to being healthy…that and moving your body at bootcamp.

To you Success!


Fit Body Boot Camp Billings

PS. Let me know what you think of this recipe and what kind of goodness you added to it!

Veggies and your fat loss…

Hey gang,

As you are working towards your fitness and fat loss goals, many of you have asked me what my secret is to getting more vegetables into your daily diet.

Veggies can be a little more time consuming to prepare than some other foods. You’ve got to wash, chop, cut, steam, sautée or peal and many times this is a lot more than some people can fit into their busy schedules.

Second, there are a lot of different vegetables that are wonderful for our health and can really assist in burning off unwanted body fat, but people just don’t enjoy the taste.

Take a look at  my last post with a greatveggie-packed Gazpacho recipe.

Today I want to share one of my favorites…

KALE:  Kale is a health warrior like no other vegetable. It is jam packed with Vitamin C (for helping keep the immune system strong), loaded with beta carotene (to keep skin healthy and ward off skin cancer), and loaded with tons of calcium (which is wonderful especially for those who are worried they are not getting enough calcium when eliminating dairy products from their eating plan). Not to mention it is jam packed full of fiber, making you full faster and keep your bowels moving at a regular pace each day (2 very important components to weight loss).

With all these health benefits, what could be the bad news?

Unfortunately many people just don’t love the taste of kale. Now I’m not the right person to ask when it comes to the taste of veggies, because I am a diehard lover of most vegetables, but some of you out there may think that eating the grass in the backyard might be tastier!

So here are 3 ways I enjoy kale, not necessarily on a daily basis, but a minimum of 2-3 days per week.

1. Sauteed Kale…So easy and tasty!

One bunch of Kale, Salt to taste, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and a 1/4C of pine nuts or pecans.  Chop up the kale into large pieces and put all ingredients into a sautee pan over medium to high heat.  Cook for a couple of minutes until the Kale is wilted.  Serve hot.

Sauteed Kale ©2010

2. Chicken Vegetable Soup with Kale

· 2 teaspoons coconut oil
· 1/2 cup chopped onion
· 1/2 cup chopped carrot
· 1 teaspoon thyme
· 2 cloves garlic, minced
· 2 cups chicken broth or water
· 3/4 cup diced tomatoes
· 1 cup cooked chicken, skinned and cubed
· 1/2 cup cooked Quinoa (optional)
· 1 cup chopped kale, stem removed (about one large leaf)


1. Heat oil in a medium sauce pan. Add onion and carrot. Sauté until vegetables are tender, 5-8 minutes.
2. Add thyme and garlic. Sauté for one more minute.
3. Add chicken broth or water, tomatoes, cooked quinoa, chicken and kale.
4. Simmer for 5-10 minutes.

I love to eat this soup just as it is described. My daughter, on the other hand, prefers me to put the soup in the blender and make a “creamy” soup instead.

3. Morning Green Drink

Morning Smoothy ©2010

· 1C frozen berries
· 1/2 banana
· 1/2 cup kale
· 1/2 – 1 cup water
· 1 scoop protein powder
Place all ingredients in a blender on High. Enjoy immediately.

You can vary the ingredients (adding more or less of each fruit or kale) to suit your taste.  This is a great way to start your morning along with a good serving of protein to go along with it (raw nuts, cottage cheese or some hard boiled eggs).

Don’t forget to share, in the comment section below, your secrets on how you incorporate your fruits and veggies into your daily diet.

I love learning what you are doing to eat better!

To your goals…


Fit Body Boot Camp Billings

PS.Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook!

PPS.  Big news!  Give me a call to see how Fit Body Boot Camp Billings is helping you out at the gas pumps.

Cheap Eating or Healthy Eating? Both….

Big Kuddos to all of my Fit Body Boot Camp peeps who are committed to eating healthier.  And many thanks for those of you who brought in your food journals this week.  This shows me how committed you are to reaching your goals, being healthy and and improving your overall life. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are figuring out how to empower yourself.  It’s challenging…I Know!  It’s easier to make mindless choices…I Know! You will have excuses and want to quit…I Know!  I’ve been there.

But I will tell you this….The rewards are so fantastic!  The excuses go away, being healthy becomes a no-compromise situation, and once you have done the hard work and reached your goals, there is no more (or very little) calorie counting.  You will be educated, empowered, and energized!  And best of all….Your grocery bills will be less.

What!? Yes, It’s true!  Many times I see people resistant to following a new healthy way of life because they think it will cost more money.

I’m on a budget just like anyone else and if I can’t buy my food within my “food budget” it would just be too difficult to maintain this way of life.

The word “Organic” scares most people into thoughts of poverty, but I promise you, I don’t spend loads of money each week buying fancy foods and you are probably in the same boat.

Here are are few things I do to keep eating healthy without breaking the bank:

1. Stop buying crappy “non foods” (and, yes, crappy is a scientific term). Most protein shakes, “health” bars, and processed foods filled with sugar and are actually pretty expensive and when you completely eliminate them from your grocery list, you will save hundreds of dollars. Stop supporting cereal, cookie and frozen food companies and start supporting the produce aisle or your local farmer and I swear the fruits and veggies will be cheaper!

2. When I started eating reasonable portions, the food was not that expensive. When I really took a look at how much I was eating versus how much I was supposed to be eating, I clearly had mistaken myself for a 300 lb sumo wrestler. Eating less meant spending less!  Plus, when you start giving your body whole foods, you will have less cravings because it is finally getting the nutrients it needs. If you have less cravings, you will eat less.

Consuming whole foods = Less cravings = lower grocery bill.

Here’s a great example of a quick and easy dish that you can take with you on the go and it’s packed with goodness.


1 1/2C of diced tomatoes

2T Parsley


2T Cilantro

Juice of 1/2 lemon

2T Apple cider Vinegar

Pinch of pepper, cayenne, paprika

1/8 red onion

1/2 C bell peppers

1/2 English Cucumber

Pulse all ingredients in food processor until all are chopped.  Makes two servings.

3. Seek out the local farmers markets in your area. The prices are so much better and you will be able to get fresh food in season. If the price of cherries is too much, just choose a different fruit that week. Go for the apples, pears, or bananas. Variety is good anyway. Try Bountiful Baskets.  You get a basket full of fresh, locally grown produce every week that is very easy on the pocket book.

4. Transition your kitchen and cupboards slowly. It took me a good two years to transition to an almost 100% Organic diet. Not the ideal, but I did the best I could. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was my organic palace. Do the best you can…Baby steps!

5. Stop the “out to dinner” habit. I know we are all busy and sometimes take out is just easier. Save the restaurants for those special occasions and learn to love “leftovers”. I always cook extras every night for lunch the next day. And most Sundays, I take about 2 hours to make a my meals for that weeks dinners. This will save save loads of money and time!  The same steak you can grill at home can cost you 3-4 x’s more at any restaurant and that is almost always for lower quality meat.

6. Look online for items you can purchase in bulk like raw nuts, nut butters, dried fruit, healthy oils, seasonings, and anything else that follows your eating plans. I just found this website.  Organics delivered to your door!  True Foods Market here: Great Foods From An Affordable Source

I assure you your new healthy eating plan does not have to break your bank account. Just begin by implementing a few of the steps above and you will see how easily you can keep your new way of eating within your current budget and easy to follow at the same time.

Now go on and get that steak on the grill…  And if you want desert, Here’s a another favorite.

Enjoy! And don’t forget to share your favorite recipes in the comment section below or on Facebook.


FBBC Billings

Chocolate Pudding (done healthier!)

1/2 chocolate chips

2T cashews

1T unsweetened cocoa powder

4 whole pitted dates

2T unsweetened coconut

1/2C Water

Melt the chocolate then add to the other ingredients in a food processor and pulse until smooth.  It will be firm up when cooled.

What are you gonna do?

So,  a few days ago I wrote a bit about Paying Attention.  Your Facebook comments tells me that something I said made some of you take notice.  Thank you all for your feedback!

It even got me thinking about what I wrote,  and all weekend I’ve been noticing that I’m Paying Attention to a lot more.

For example, I went snowboarding yesterday in Red Lodge.  The hills were wind swept, icy in places and not really my favorite kind of conditions, but I went out there and I felt great!  On my way home, as I was thinking about the day, I found myself  wondering why I road better than normal in those unfavorable conditions.

Then it dawned on me…I was Paying Attention… to my weight distribution, my hip placement over the board, where I was looking prior to making a turn, if I was stiff in my movements or moving fluidly.

It made a huge difference in my confidence (I”m an intermediate snowboarder and still get nervous on the steep stuff!)  The one time, or maybe twice, I lost my focus…sure enough, I fell on my ass!

The rest of the weekend was full of focus for the coming week.  I made a grocery list of all the stuff I wanted so that I could stock up on ready-to-go meals and snacks.  There was a couple of recipes that I wanted to make then freeze, so I had dinners ready for the nights I’m teaching our Fit Body Boot Camp class.

Shopping List

And, like you, my challenge is getting enough nutrient-dense foods everyday, that are easy to make and easy to take with me.  I am always experimenting and looking for ways pack in the veggies and fruit.  I shared my smoothie recipe with you on Facebook a while ago.  Here it is again if you missed it.

Power House Smoothy:  1Cup baby spinach, 1/2C cauliflower, 1/2 banana, 1C frozen berries, 1C water or Coconut milk, 1-2 heaping scoop of protein powder (or use your Advocare meal replacement shake).  It might look weird, but it’s Yummy and very filling!

This morning I found another great one.

Blueberry Applesauce: Steam 4 peeled apples until soft, put in a food processor with 1/2 C blueberries and puree until smooth. Makes 2 servings. Plus the kiddo liked it, so ya know it tasted great!

Make extra for the week.  While your at it, cook up another slab of meat at dinner time and take it with you for lunch the following day.

Blueberry Applesauce ©Rebecca Douglas Photography

Eliminate all excuses…it just takes a tiny bit of effort to slow down and pay attention, and make a few minor adjustments so that you have more control of how your coming week is going to play out.

Will it be filled with rushing here and there, endless thoughts of “have to do this and that”, only stopping long enough to grab a sandwich in the drive thru, and give your family a quick “see ya” without really seeing them.

Or will you notice the morning light as the sun warms the day as you slow down for a moment with your cup of coffee?  Will you be with the silence of your thoughts and hear the voice that says “I am enough. All will get done.” ?

What are you going to do this week to make one little change towards slowing down and paying attention?

I committed a small part of my Sunday to making a few recipes so that I would have good meals ready to go.  I am also going to start Foam Rolling every morning to wake up my body.

This is what I’m doing….What are you going to do?  Share with me in the comments section below or on Facebook.  You just might get inspired or be the inspiration for another!

To your goals….


Fit Body Boot Camp Billings

PS. I am going to start posting a new recipe here every Sunday night.  If you have a favorite, please share it with us!

Where are you putting your Attentions?

During class at Fit Body Boot Camp Billings a few weeks ago, some of my gals started complaining about how their “skinny” jeans weren’t fitting in the thigh area.  “My thighs are getting too big!” They said, freaked out.

Now, we women know how important it is to fit into our favorite jeans. So I asked them to start paying attention to their form while executing the squats, lunges and step up work…All quad heavy exercises.

Butt back (like you are peeing in the woods), knees behind toes, core tight. Then I asked where their body weight was in relation to heels or toes.  They all said Toes. Bingo!

Shift your weight into your heels while keeping the big toe in contact with the floor.  Squeeze the glutes and power through the heels as you execute the movement. Tricky, yes. But if you are paying attention to this, it will get easier, you will get stronger and more flexible and you will start building and firming the booty, reducing the bulky quad muscles.

Sure enough, these same ladies came back to me recently and commented that as long as they are Paying Attention, their jeans were once again fitting like they should.

Paying Attention make all the difference in the our movement patterns, how we think and make decisions and what kind of effect we place on our world.

Paying Attention means slowing down, opening our eyes and mind to both the world around us and what is going on inside of us.  This is something I work on everyday.  I’m a single mom, owner of two businesses, and I value my “alone time”.  There is never enough time in the day to get everything done, so there is the constant pressure to rush through my day.

Yesterday, my daughter and I were out doing a few errands before we had to be at our FBBC evening class. As I pulled up to our apartment so I could pick something up that I forgot (because I was in a hurry that morning), I told Nora to stay in the car as I’ll be right back.  She started to say something, but I rushed out of the car, slammed the door and ran into the apartment.  When I came back out she asked why I was in such a hurry that I couldn’t even listen to her question.

What an eye opener!!  Such an innocent, yet observant comment to pull me back to consciousness and into an awareness of what I was doing.  This immediately slowed me down.  We talked, laughed, and I was reminded a valuable lesson I should already know from my 7 year old.

This lesson of Paying Attention and slowing down was learned again during our 6pm class last night when a member was rushing through some box jumps.  Instead of slowing down, focusing on his form, he tried to hurry things along and….Whammo! He missed his first jump and slammed his shin into the box.

Ouch!  I felt really bad for him, but I think he understood the lesson.  During that same class, another client asked for some exercises for the lower abdominal.  She could feel her upper abs working, but felt like she needed something more for the lower region.

Once again, I asked her to place her attention on where her muscle activation was during a plank. (in my opinion, one of the best core workouts for tight, flat abs!)

She said she was sucking in her upper abs, but the lower abs weren’t doing anything, plus her lower back started to hurt.

Then I asked her to stand up.  I promptly punched her in the gut-not hard, I just made the movement as if I was going to make contact.  Her entire core muscular structure activated and engaged to protect from my potential “hit”.

Before I said anything, she noticed that her lower abs were now engaged along with her upper abs.  She tried the plank again, this time while Paying Attention to that core activation.  No back pain and on her way to tight, flat abs without the pooch.

Paying Attention to your form while working out is just as if you were driving down the road.  You have to Pay Attention to where your eyes are.

*It’s just like doing laundry…you have to Pay Attention so you don’t put the red undies in the load of whites.

*It’s just like Paying Attention to what foods you are buying and consuming to stay healthy.

Slow down and Put Attention and focus on proper muscle activation and form during a workout and you will get better results.  It will also force you FEEL what your body is doing. When you can feel something, you will internalize more and it will become a part of you.

“Why should I have to Feel or Pay Attention when I’m paying a trainer to tell me what to do?”

Because when you start taking notice, your subconscious mind will inform you that “Yes Indeed!, You can do this or that.” You will find a physical strength you didn’t know you had, you will have more motivation to push yourself in all aspects of your life…Not just working out.

This happens because now you have more confidence in yourself.  Your are Paying Attention, You are in control of what you body is capable of.

You are taking Personal Responsibility!!

Now we can talk about how making those few simple adjustments in our body awareness is connected to life outside of Fit Body Boot Camp.

*Strength in mind for better relationships (with yourself and others)

*Making better food choices

*Moving slower so you enjoy the little things

*Making a little extra time to help save our natural resources.

But that is for another discussion.

Until then…Keep paying Attention!

To your goals…


PS. What are you paying attention to?  I want to know. Share in the comments below!

PPS. Don’t forget to “friend” me on Facebook!